A History of Success


Offering the finest realty service with a proven track record...

David J. Erb & Company has successfully developed,

managed, and revitalized many projects, including the following:

Case StudySmoky Hill Shopping Center

Location – NEC of Smoky Hill and Tower Rds., Centennial, Colorado

Photo – Smoky Hill Aerial

Description – David J. Erb & Company was the managing member of a partnership that developed a 12+ acre neighborhood shopping center at Smoky Hill and Tower Rds. in Centennial, Colorado.  Utilities and access roads were constructed, and then pad sites were sold to Wells Fargo, Sonics, Diamond Shamrock, the US Postal Service, and others.  David J. Erb & Company also built a 20,000 sf strip for the partnership, and leased and managed it for 6 years, until it was sold in 2004 to First Allied Corporation for $4.575 million. 


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